I found something unpleasant about the film Horton when I first saw it. My reaction may just have been to the character of the Kangaroo who reminded me of Tigger in the Disney version of Winnie the Pooh, a translation I found very annoying. Anyhow apart from my directly racist issues with the film I …
Author archives: pasdelasbas
public humiliation & stocks but missing the point perhaps
The examination of Mr Buckles, head of G4S, by a House of Commons committee is currently being broadcast. Such processes are tantamount to public humiliation, being put in the stocks, virtually of course. When someone was, say, accused of stealing, they were held in the stocks to keep them in place, exposed to ridicule and …
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babylonian virtues – minority report
Babylonian Virtues – Minority Report is the title of the second chapter by Gunjević in God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse. I didn’t read directly a reference to the film Minority Report in the chapter which is, effectively, an evaluation of Negri and Hardt’s book Empire in the context of their use of Augustinian ideas to …
apocalyptic prevarication
Far from luring us into a perverse self-destructive rapture, adopting the properly apocalyptic stance is – today more than ever – the only way to keep a cool head. This is Zizek (should I say of course) turning an idea on its head with a hope filled lucidity. The idea is that the apocalyptic stance …
Gathering lime flowers with Afif. Finally managed to get to the lime tree on one of the few dry moments this summer. Took me back to Le Clauzel and the old lady Noellie.
this is terror too
Terror becomes the definition of terrorism. Combating terror, maintaining the sanctity of the private subject, becomes a given. It is not that these things are wrong just misplaced. If the definition of terror is widened then we will all be terrorists, all under suspicion, watched.
Is a terrorist just someone who uses terror? It would seem so as the three men accused of plotting to attack the EDL are being held on terrorism charges. The IRA were criminalised by the British, not given political status but considered as common criminals. Now it seems that even common criminals are being called …
i say old bean
A certain someone’s humour is developing.
the machine
So this is the machine.
religious painting
This is the second of this style painting I’ve seen around. My friend Steve told me that there are are a series of 12 of them and they were, indeed, made by a particular church. He suggested that they were a set of stages of the cross but this one wouldn’t fit that description. It …