We’ve started digging the plot. DD has taken the lead, a farmer from Ghana, he is showing me how to work the garden using my digging hoe. This was bought in Spain from a Chinese shop. It is a very different way to work the ground from the ways I have learned. DD works across …
Author archives: pasdelasbas
Is this an evangelical graffiti artist? A lesbian angel? Parson Cross, Sheffield.
the poly-technic
In response to the encroaching privatisation and cost of University in England, there is a movement to found Free Universities. Some friends working in North Sheffield around Parson Cross have recently been awarded an Arts Council grant and as part of their work they are founding a Poly-Technic. In the past Universities were the better …
jeremy *unt, james naughtie and the big other
Another line of Zizek’s is illustrated by the spoonerism of James Naughtie on the Today programme. James Naughtie is barely, but just about manages, to suppress his hysterical laughter. Everyone who has heard the clip knows he is pissing himself laughing and covering it with a cough. I have heard no criticism of him for …
Continue reading “jeremy *unt, james naughtie and the big other”
breivik and meditation
Today I was listening to a talk by Zizek relayed on youtube. In it he spends time, as ever, trying to describe the big other. He uses Freud’s idea of the drive and in the case of sight he notes that Freud considers drive to be reflexive, mentioning the French reflexive form of the verb …
yoga is relaxing
muppets the film
This is a film that starts with emotional retardation at it’s heart, a lack of passion, indeed it’s impossibility. The hero, Walter is an introvert as well as being a muppet who discovers his muppetness in the film and, of course, his happiness at the same time.
Worth watching sister dear. The film is most remarkable by being in the genre of classic Hollywood epics. It has a feel of the fifties and sixties. Otherwise what I noticed was the coherence in what is deemed acceptable by censors. Heads cut off and varied scenes of a gory nature are allowed but any …
journey 2: the mysterious island
The idea is that film as a medium, as a form, emerged with women always already objectified ;by the format, the simple act of framing and representing any figure, of giving, however temporary, a fixed form ;by its practitioners, practically exclusively men, women further objectified in particular form. The latter held as achieving a patriarchal, …
My good friend Steve P got hold of this film. It tells the story of Machete, the eponymous hero who, wielding said machete saves the day numerous times while bringing justice to bear against a set of corrupt politicians, police and drug barons all involved in a plan to use anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican sentiment to further …